Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Toward the Solstice 
~Mark Perlberg
We burned our leaves on the bluest October day,
the sun still warm on our backs,
frost just a ghost in the shrubbery.
We raked the leaves into shifting piles on the lawn,
scooped them into deep round baskets
and spilled them in the street against the curb.
The vein of fire, unseen at first in diamond light,
whispered through oak leaves brown as butcher paper,
and maple still flushed with color like maps
torn from The Book of Knowledge.
We were letting go of October, relinquishing color,
readying ourselves for streets lacquered with ice,
the town closed like a walnut, locked inside the cold.

Yay for the best month of the year arriving!  Yay for being closer to fun outing to new cities, catching up with long-time friends and colleagues.  And certainly, yay for entering lefse season.  And even though I'll be kicking this month off in a musty, ugly chapel space with a tinny out-of-tune piano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_UvXe-of-s">this
is what I'll be hearing this morning.


  1. (The link has a quote at the end which somehow messes it up; if one types the link into a URL sans quote, it works fine, otherwise 404.)

    The rain just roared last night - it was amazing, and a fitting way to usher in the new month.

    1. Grrr~will have to wait until I'm on my laptop to fix the URL.

      Cool & cloudy here~a nice foil to the one tree with orange leaves!
