There are days when I walk by this marquee and want to send a rock through it. But I s'pose it's a good reminder to not quit before the miracle.
I'm realizing lately, that I don't accept help very often. Today~because I asked for help, my cousin drove his truck (stick-shift, diesel~I would have had a tough time driving it) to Tappahannock and I had help loading the rest of my boxes out of my old apartment. With three of us, it took about 15 minutes.
If I done it by myself, it would have taken much longer and I would have been in a complete spiral of how much I hate my current life. Instead, we enjoyed a drive in the gorgeous autumn afternoon and dined on yummy burgers and fries. And now all my worldly goods are in the same storage unit.
And best of all???! OhGLORYHalelujah~I have two boxes of clothes/shoes/handbags/scarves to rummage through tomorrow. Clothes for cooler weather and professional clothes for my new job. I know it's a minor thing in the course of things, but I've been wearing the same clothes non-stop since early June~so I'm thrilled to have different colours and outfits to wear again.
Here's to hope.