Saturday, September 2, 2017

baby's first post card

Post cards (imo) are the best form of mail~other than, perhaps, a nice paycheque.  As I've sent numerous cards to my Littles, it was super fun to get my first cards from them.  From all accounts, the beach/train trip were great fun.

Some cosy candles~lit for so many reasons this weekend.


  1. Probably my favorite child postcard was from our friend Hiro when he was two. It was a scribble around which his father drew the shape of a dragon. It was our New Year's card from Japan, and it was gorgeous. (His father was a fellow University of Glasgow student whose path intersected with D's; they left Glasgow when his wife got pregnant, and they had their wee one in Japan. We've only ever seen pictures, and he is the most winsome, edible looking child.)

    1. Yes, the backs have lovely signatures on them!
