Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Unearthed my Scrabble tiles (thank you GW for affordable ones) this weekend and took them along to ESL class to play with vocab today. A daughter of one of my students was home with a cough, so she jumped right in with us. Such fun!

The refreshments were extra elegant today~the students said that they missed me with last week being a short week of classes.

Setting up the tree.

Someone lost an eye during the year of storage/moving.

Stocking all set for Santa~hope he has my new address~this one even has a chimney. 

I feel a bit like I'm back in the dorm~but as those were happy years, it's okay. 
For now.  


  1. Replies
    1. It's quiet as well~always a plus in apt life.

  2. Very cozy! You made good use of the space.

  3. At least this "dorm" will be quieter than last year!

  4. Wow, the room is pretty and bright, and you've managed to Tetris it all in there. Nice that you've left yourself a "sitting" room and a bedroom.

    1. And bam! You created the title for my autobio~"My Tetrised Life"

