Thursday, November 9, 2017

untitled #8 (hey, if it works for famous artists, why not me?)

Love the incandescence of autumn afternoons. 

I thought yesterday's rate of $14.95 was steep! When the express lanes aren't moving, I think people ought to get a refund~or the rate should drop. Hopefully, I will be moving in a couple of weeks to be much closer to my schools.

Continuing the theme of coffee and biscuits~today was delicious Arabic coffee. The scent of cardamon was perfect for a chilly afternoon. 

Quarter found. 

The newest generation of Norwegians starts her training in 1001 ways to make potatoes.

Completely gobsmacked when I turned the page of my magazine and saw a former student's work! Very glad that I kept his cartoon of me teaching The Scarlet Letter. We just reconnected on fb and had a nice chat. Always a thrill to see an artist succeed.

And then today's email contained these photos of a former singer in Texas who just made two chamber choirs. 

An excellent week for this educator's heart~both with former and current students.


  1. Well, Laurie - you have things to celebrate (besides the quarter found). Keep this trend up!
