Sunday, June 16, 2013

days & decades

How handy to be moving over Father's Day weekend and find treasures from the past!  The above was taken in 1972--not sure which part of the Pacific it is, but it looks a bit breezy.

Jump to 1985; post spring band concert at Laurelwood Academy.

And found one of the three Leslies taken at Willamina~am guessing summer of 78?

And now, the photos you've for which you've been waiting!  Please notice the paper lanterns from last year's Father's Day excursion into SF's Chinatown~they are the perfect amount of light for the computer area.

 Bogart~hoping for a live birdie breakfast.

Because, of course, one wants a working fireplace in Texas.  (and yes, I noted the warped shades in my pre-move-in check list.)

My itsy-bitsy kitchen, while lacking space and a gas stove, has lovely granite counter tops.

 Three guesses at to what this room is....

 Gorgeous walk-in closet~some gaps that are asking to be filled!

The all-important ceiling fan.

View from the bedroom sliding door.

Living room door to same balcony.

Waiting for the garden to arrive tomorrow.

Now that the sun has come out, I am scoping out the shaded parking spots.

And best of all?  This path is on the edge of our parking lot!

Teeny bit of a creek.

 Couldn't believe that I had the pool to myself on a warm Sunday morning, but I'm glad that I did.  As I sit in the office, using wi-fi, I count 23 people in this small bit of water!

 Not a bad view for my first day of summer break!

 Going to soak it all in, as next week brings double-day rehearsals for Mulan.

Ahhhhh~the serenity of a lazy warm day.


  1. Ooh, the pool to yourself!!
    Yes, indeed, hope that closet - and the rest of that lovely little flat - fills up soon with good memories and calm and restful times. As opposed to SWAT teams and Austin's finest. Sheesh.
