Saturday, June 1, 2013


 With enormous glee I crossed off the final full month from this calendar.  Am actually surprised that I survived until this day.

 This campus pairs every class section up with 'buddies'.  As I was handed the graduation ceremony and told that I had to have a choir on the last Friday evening of school, I decided to ask the Buddies of the 8th graders to sing.  I gave them 'free dress' (verrrrry big deal in a school with uniforms) and they stepped up with sartorial splendor that made me proud.  Please notice how many 10-year-old boys are wearing TIES on a warm spring evening.  By choice!

They surprised me with a dozen red roses.  Which are now in water.  In my blender~everything else is packed!  But the best gift was the email from a mother of a former Seattle student who just finished singing the lead in his high school musical.  This was a shy sophomore who is now headed to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer.  Absolute proud day to be a teacher.

Stayed tuned for tales from my first day in the studio and an intense apartment search.  Welcome June and the exciting shifts in my days.


  1. I'm surprised you have neat and tidy exes - I would have BLACKED OUT some of those months with scribbles...

    1. Well, it's in a public place & we wouldn't want to scar impressionable little minds...
