Tuesday, June 11, 2013

what you want

Not sure if this is comforting or a kick in the teeth~thought I'd be more confident as I aged.  In some ways, I am, but in other ways~knowing long-term consequences to choices makes me hesitate when staring at a decision.  But it's summertime and the temps are rising~a good time to simply be.


  1. Laurie, you are so talented - such a special young woman. As an aunt who began to love you at first chance (your being about six months old) and having reconnected in the last decade - I hope and pray all things positive for you - housing, work, relationships, finances - appreciate that you stay tuned to nature and beauty around you and that we can follow your blog. Love you, Carroll.

  2. I am sad that the end of that risk you took back then didn't play out the way you wanted, BUT you got the experiences, the friends, and you made the time count toward now.

    1. Oh, have few regrets, just more cautious now and a little more self-doubt when I really want something.

      Fortunately, this does NOT apply to shoes or cupcakes!
