Friday, August 30, 2013

it was a fortunate wind

I just about stepped on Bambi during my walk this morning.  We blinked at each other and she obliged me with a photo and we went on our way~marveling that the temperature is going up roughly one degree every five minutes.  As this is Football Kick-Off And Nothing Else Matters in Texas Weekend, our phones are shrieking heat alerts.

Re-reading Willard Spielgelman's excellent Seven Pleasures and found a resonating quote (by Elizabeth Bishop) for my current mind set and the sultry afternoons:  

'What one seems to want in art, 
in experiencing it, 
is the same thing that is necessary for its creation, 
a self-forgetful, 
perfectly useless, 

And speaking of books and writers, am sad to see that Seamus Heaney passed away.  Will close with some of his lines from The Cure at Troy:

Now it's high watermark
And floodtide in the heart
And time to go...
What's left to say?
Suspect too much sweet talk
But never close your mind.
It was a fortunate wind
That blew me here. I leave
Half-ready to believe
That a crippled trust might walk
And the half-true rhyme is love.

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