Wednesday, November 7, 2018

sigh of peace

While one is sitting at the mechanic's~it helps to have fun new shoes to admire.

My car now has the second alternator of the year~so happy that I got it to the shop without needing a tow AND. And. And, it was covered by warranty! So, I am a safe and happy driver again~new tires, state certification passed, and all systems go.

Since the shop was so busy with shuttle service, they were using Uber for evening rides. My driver was delightful~from Mauritania~in Virginia for three years. Before moving to the U.S., he drove a fish delivery truck from various points in Morocco to Paris. He prefers that to driving a taxi~says he wants to practice English and chat~but most of his passengers get impatient with his minimal English and/or want to be on their phones. Since we were stuck in a lot of traffic~he got a lot of English practice with me. 

Since traffic was awful, decided I might as well pop into Trader's and pick up a few my delight/consternation~these little decadent items are for sale again. Now I can bribe myself through the rest of the week~up to my eyeballs in budgets/reports/proofreading/reconciling/forms for this bless-ed accreditation.


  1. Oh, those are cute! Where'd you get those? And that heel is even medium-height, right? Hmmm!

    Also, I want joe-joe's; I'd never even heard of them!

    1. I found them at DSW~very comfy.

      If you're going to have joe-joes~get these dipped kind!!! They sell regular ones/flavors all year, but these??? Friendships fizzling and marital rifts occur over these. :)

    2. Well, by all means, let me get MY OWN BOX, then...
