Thursday, November 15, 2018

when was the last time you went limp with relief?

I got to experience it twice today~on each end of a white-knuckled, stomach-clenching, and headache-inducing commute. So grateful that my little car is safely home.

The main roads were okay~SO looking forward to getting out of the suburbs in January! We're supposed to be having lots of snow this winter. 

Got to work and found this dead mouse in the kitchen~fortunately, I was able to call the building maintenance to come and deal with it because I just don't do corpses. Got quite a bit done with office work and decorated all the tables for our Thanksgiving feast that will now happen tomorrow.

Arrived home to find the cutest little addition to my kitchen toys! Looking forward to many batches of rice and quinoa.


  1. That's a RICE cooker??? A bit envious, as my rice cooker was killed earlier this year, and I - stupidly? - replaced it with a veg steamer/rice cooker combo. I kind of hate it, but no point wasting money. Do you have a crock pot? This time of year, I need to get mine out and start soup-ing everything...

    1. It was perfect timing as the rice cooker I got when I graduated from PUC just died!

  2. No fun to drive on slippery roads with heavy traffic. We have a rice cooker but it isn't as fancy as yours. How did it arrive on your counter - by drone? (BTW for years in Canada and in the Midwest we had no choice but to drive on snow and ice. Don't miss those days. Rarely snows here as you know.)

    1. It started raining this afternoon~so guess the delivery trucks were out/about! I hate driving in snow when it's hovering in the 30s~everything is so slick.

      Anyway. The day is done and I hope to not repeat that drive again!

  3. Glad the rice cooker got there and you didn't already have one. We use ours all the time, but of course, it it just plain white. I think red is a cheerful color!!

    1. Yes, my one from PUC grad just died~so perfect timing. The red is very fun!
