Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Yes, I do have my own mug at work, but it's for tea and some days need extra coffee. Happy to snag my favorite mug out of the cupboard. 

Went to my first choir rehearsal as a singer in over a decade. Bizarrely, I auditioned in as a soprano. Surprised me as I still have a vile sinus infection and I haven't really sung in ten years. But, there you have it.

It's nice to be doing a piece where I already own the score (and really, after thirty years of choral shenanigans, there are very few of the choral oeuvre that I don't own. But, this time I will be learning a new part! It was odd, but nice to be in the chairs for a change. And, hopefully to meet some new neighbors and expand my social world back here.


  1. Cool mug! Glad to know you are part of a choir once again. Seems this new job and apartment come with bonuses.

    1. Yes it's nice to have a bit of steadiness in my life again.

  2. We're doing a new one on me, Offenbach's Neighbor's Chorus, for our comedy concert. Definitely a score I do not own but looking forward to learning it.

    1. THAT was the FIRST piece of choral music I ever conducted!!!!! PUC Prep's spring concert of 1993. Love that piece.
