Sunday, January 27, 2013


by this lovely and quiet film about a retirement home for musicians.  Of course, I will go see anything full of British actors--especially ones with Dame Maggie Smith.

It was also a lovely and quiet weekend at home--no appointments nor obligations.  Went to my lovely Asian market and loaded up on fresh veg.  Roasted ginger and pumpkin for a delicious soup.  As the a/c is running anyway, I just pretended it was a winter's chill.  


  1. Would you like me to mail you some snow to help complete the illusion?

  2. I made pureed vegie soup a couple days ago. I liked it, but Dad didn't as it had lemon in it!

  3. Yes, I'd take some snow! People tell me that it snowed last year on Valentine's Day.

    Now, I want some asparagus/lemon soup.

  4. I have a pumpkin and a kabocha - soup sounds fab, and the lovely chives on top are quite pretty.

    I wish I'd had a quiet weekend full of no obligations. Our entire family came over. All fourteen of them. Egads.
