Monday, January 14, 2013

Masters & Johnson

(not sure why these people are flipping off the camera.) 

Attended the first session of Spring Inservice for Austin Community College tonight.  Our ice breaker consisted of drawing one part of a famous pair and wandering through the group to find the other name.  Then, we were to discuss what we thought our pairs' particular goal or life-focus was and present it to the group.

Did I draw Cher?  Or Romeo?  Or Orville?  Oh no.  I drew Masters.

Yes.  As in Masters & Johnson.

And to make things more fun, my partner for this exercise was a deaf gentleman.  (is that un-pc to say?)  Between my rusty ASL, from an ancient Pathfinder honor badge (my childhood church's equivalent to Girl Scouts) and this man's ability to read lips, our conversation was fine.

However, I was on my own for the group presentation.  Pretty sure it's going to be a semester or two before I live this down.  Fortunately, teachers are scattered over seven campuses, so other than tomorrow night's session, I hopefully won't see them.

One never know how the day will unfold when that alarm clock rings; and sometimes?  It's in most amusing ways.


  1. Oh, man. We did that game with BIBLE characters... I've NEVER played with just random pairs in history and culture.

    Of course you would get Masters & Johnson. Wellllll, at least you could easily say what their life-focus was...

  2. The entire workshop was on student goal-setting and it was one of the best sessions I've attended.
