Sunday, November 17, 2013

treats galore

 My free gift (is that an oxymoron?) from Aveda~one of my favorite corporation/schools.

One is never too old for princess gift paper.

 A fun new tea flavour.

Roasted and toasted the California almonds which arrived in the post~sprinkled the jarful with cinnamon and brown sugar.  Will be lovely snacks.

Have NO idea why it took me years of baking in bain marie without ever thinking of putting the ROUND ramekins in a ROUND glass dish.  And why does no cookbook of mine give this hint? It's true, the pie plates aren't as deep as a traditional casserole dish~a new quest for the next GW forage~a deep round casserole dish. 

My favored little cherve souffles.


  1. Well, it was either that or Christmas paper!! Glad that it got there.

  2. Heh. Round ramekins... round pan...
    Well, rocket science...

    The souffles look lovely, though I see your oven heats as unevenly as mine.

    1. It's still fun to learn things and be thrilled at one's own genius. :)

      Yeah, well, until I win the lottery and have my dream kitchen, whaddaya gonna do? They still tasted delicious!
