Tuesday, May 28, 2013


 Evidently my gardenia likes monsoon-like weather as it's madly producing blossoms.  Love the scent (have never found perfume/lotion that comes even close to smelling the same, or I'd walk around drenched in that scent) and have this cheerful little bloom on m night stand.

 Which I need right now; having a very hard time with the adage 'bloom where you're planted' as life in the apartment complex deteriorates.  Actually had a group of drunken (or drugged) neighbors try to break into my place at 2 a.m.  Good for the heart rate; not so good for the nerves.

Although, it has given me great incentive to pack everything up and be ready to move as quickly as possible.

Went for a long walk around Town Lake yesterday and had to pause to snap a pose of one of my new places of employment!

The bluebonnets have faded and these vibrant brown-eyed Susans have taken their place on the wildflower stage this week.  There's still beauty amidst the craziness.