Thursday, May 23, 2013


Because of a new building on campus and the disappearance of the modular classrooms, there is a grand shuffle going on for the next school year.  And as I'm packing up my worldly goods, I'm just not feelin' the packing need in my classroom.  Enter child labor!  The two who helped me today swore that they were the best packers in their family, so I left them to it.  I turned around to find this delightful tape job.  At least we'll be able to recognize the music room boxes later this summer.

A friend posted this on fb and I've been laughing all evening over it.


  1. *snort*
    Well, true, no one will mistake Music's boxes as being anything but packed by "the best packers." Bless them.

    As to the picture, OH, THE HORROR.


    Ironically, packit and Teach are my CAPTCHA words.

    1. The boxes are in the hall and all the adults are enjoying the taping artistry.

      And I am laughing like a hyena over the self-fur poster.

  2. The fur pic reminds me of a certain postcard I believe you recently came across!

    1. I have two from you: the Hawaiian with the bananas and the Italians on the bridge. :)
